onsdag 25. mai 2011

ArteNTNU utlyser muligheter for gjesteforsker

ArteNTNU lyser ut muligheter for gjesteforskere. Kombinasjonen, software, kunst og interaksjon lener seg veldig bra til GISc og Kartografi.

Se http://artentnu.wordpress.com/2011/05/24/visiting-researcher-grants/ for mer informasjon.

Visiting researcher grants are available at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway for a period of up to three months during 2011, as part of the FABULA (funded by the Research Council of Norway) and the ArTe project.
The grant is primarily intended for remunerated PhD students, Post docs, or researchers on sabbatical. The grant covers accommodation, travel costs and any additional costs inferred by the visit. The grant does NOT cover salary.
We require previous experience in one or more of the scientific areas of FABULA and ArTe, interest in interdisciplinarity, commitment to scientific writing.
The vision of FABULA is a city that, with the help of mobile technologies and social media, becomes a learning arena for its citizens, with services that allow people to take an active role in collaborative processes of knowledge construction and sharing.
ArTe aims at enhancing the state of knowledge at the interdisciplinary intersection of Information Technology and the arts. The focus is on creativity, cooperation, and openness of processes and content.
About Trondheim, Norway: Come and experience the long summer nights or the white and snowy winter days in a highly international environment. See http://www.ntnu.edu/livingintrh/about-trondheim
To apply send your CV and research interests to:
Prof. Letizia Jaccheri – letizia@idi.ntnu.no
Applications are processed as they come in.

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